Sunday, April 8, 2007

When designing your small business' Web site don't create hyperlinks to exteral Web pages without forcing the browser to open a new browser window.

I am in the process of building a Web site for my small business. I am getting pretty good creating hyperlinks between the pages and to external sites. I don't want my site's visitors to leave my site and get lost so they cannot return to my site easily. Is there a general way to help my site's visitors stay anchored to my site?

Yes. When you create hyperlinks on your Web pages that go to pages on some other Web site, then add the following HTML code to your hyperlinks:


By including the above code in your links a new browser window will open up. The visitor to your site will not leave your site since the browser window with your Web site will continue to house your site. When the visitor is done visiting the site you recommended, then he or she will have to close the browser window and return to your site.

I hope my comments are helpful. Good luck! Regards, -Jeff

Jeff Lippincott Counselor
Princeton, NJ
scoreprinceton @

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