Saturday, June 30, 2007

So what is certification anyway? You may want to offer some sort of certication along with your seminar or course.

I certainly do not expect you to remember this but you have helped me before. My question is in regards to certifying my students. Currently I certify them when they attend class and are tested. I very recently launched a home study course in interior redesign and home staging which I give a Certificate of Completion.

If I test these students and they pass, could I offer them actual certification. Nobody seems to know, so I am really hoping you will be able to help me once again.

What is actual certification? Usually it means that a person has passed a minimum set of standards an institution or association has said must be accomplished. And it is usually the institution or association that issues the certification. They issue the certification because they have the credibility and respect in the community or whatever to be able to issue a certification that will warrant respect.

You can certainly certify that your students have passed your test. And if your seminar has gained credibility and respect in your community, then that certification will mean something. If it hasn't, then it won't be worth much. It's kind of like degrees from colleges. Some mail order school can award its students a degree. And Princeton and Yale can award their students a degree. Does the degree from a mail order school have much credibility? Probably not. But it is a degree, though.

That's about the best I can do for you in trying to answer your question. Good luck! Regards, -Jeff

Jeff Lippincott Counselor
Princeton, NJ
scoreprinceton @

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