Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Entrepreneur wants to start a restaurant in the US that is set up like one in Latin America.

I have been interested in a business venture for about three years now. As a child I remember a very famous restaurant that started in Latin America. Now I only need instructions on start up, property acquisition, which loans are right for me, and much more. The most important step right now is to present a business plan to the franchise that is located in Guatemala. Can you help me present to the franchise that I am the right person for the job?

It usually takes quite a bit of capital to start a restaurant. This is especially true for a franchise restaurant. I recommend you call us at SCORE to schedule a face-to-face counseling session with two volunteers for an hour. See the following link - http://www.score.org/findscore/chapter_maps.html - and type in your home zip code to find a chapter close to you. If you have what it takes to start a restaurant, then we can help you put together your business plan in 3 or 4 sessions spread out over a period of months. Take a look at the following links. See

Pick a Business, Create a Business Plan, and Start it Soon

Figure Out How to Write a Business Plan

Starting or Running a Restaurant &/or Catering Business

I hope my comments are helpful to you. Good luck! Regards, -Jeff

Jeff Lippincott
SCORE.org Counselor
Princeton, NJ
scoreprinceton @ aol.com

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